Thursday, December 25, 2008

Why By Referral Only (and why do I blog)

Or...why do I blog, and why By Referral Only....

As many of you know I've been doing some teaching again - and I love it. Many of my the people in my classes are newer agents, just getting started in the business. During most of the breaks, people ask me how I built my business, what I think the new trend are, etc. We often discuss "social marketing" ....twitter, blogger, facebook, etc.

The discussions almost always include these two questions..."why do you do it" and "does it make you money". My response is "I do it so that people that already know me, like me and trust me can send people they already know, like and trust to my website so that those people can start to know, like and trust ME. THAT, in turn, will increase the chances that folks will ask for my help as they buy and sell real estate in Austin and the surrounding areas.

So for all of you who have had these discussions with me in class, and all of you who I have had these discussions with in other settings, there is a video I want to share. This came to me from a friend in the By Referral Only network.

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