Monday, December 22, 2008

A visit to the Texas Capital

Our friend Stan suggested we visit the State Capital today.....I haven't been there for a long time and I don't think my parents have ever been there - although they're confident they have for some reason.

The capital is really a magnificent building. Because the legislature is not in session, were were able to see a few places that we would not have normally been able to visit, including the speakers Chambers and a few private reception areas.

I kept my eyes peeled for Patrick Rose but unfortunately we didn't run in to him. I thought about going to his office but didn't want to seem like a stalker.

If you haven't been there, I would recommend visiting during the holidays. Of course much of the beauty of the building is there all the time, so it is really always a good time to visit. If you're interested, you can see the photos we took today. You'll notice many of them are formatted for HD Widescreen - I was going to make a slide show and put it to music and all that stuff...but then as I was cropping photos and stuff there were a few pictures that wouldn't fit that format without loosing a bunch of the important there ya go....

The visitors center has some online information to check out before you leave to assist in planning.
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