Saturday, January 24, 2009

I need your help....

Many of you know that I am a two time cancer survivor. A couple years ago I received an email from the Lance Armstrong Foundation, sharing some ways that I could contribute to the cancer cause. One of those opportunities was to become involved with a group called Cancer Connection.

Spearheaded by Karen Greif and her husband Bill, Cancer Connection trains volunteers to provide support to people who are living with cancer, or those who are providing support to friends or loved ones who are living with cancer. The organization is filled with folks who have been touched by cancer in some way, and who want to do their part in making the journey a little easier for others who are in similar situations.

While I was reading the Cancer Connection newsletter today, I noticed that there are a few things the group is looking for to assist them in their hospital/treatment center visits....

-Knitted caps
-Lib balm (non-petroleum)
-Small bottles of lotion
-Small packages of toothpaste
-Combs and small hair brushes
-Small mirrors
-Word game books
-Sudoku puzzles
-Blank Cd's

So I was thinking it would be cool to pull some of these things together as a group so that we can donate them to the cause. The visitation program is where the volunteers go out and actually sit with/talk with/provide support to people who are going through their treatments.

Here's what I need YOU to do....

-Take a look at the list
-Figure out how you can contribute
-Bring the stuff you're able to contribute to my office

Everything that is in that box on Wednesday, February 11, will be donated to the cause.

Give me a call with questions of for directions to the office if you haven't already been there.

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