Friday, November 28, 2008

Oprah's Holiday Music

We were watching the Oprah show the other day, and she was gearing up for the holidays. One of the fun things she did on the show was give away copies of her Holiday Hits 2008 CD. For those of use who weren't in the audience, she made all of the recordings available for 48 hours at her website.

All of the songs that Oprah was sharing are now available for you to download on my public site. You can view the public folder by clicking this link or going to

If downloading the music and burning it to CD are a little beyond your computing abilities, just bring a blank CD by my office and I'll burn a copy for you.

I'll keep the link live until I run out of bandwidth or someone makes me take it down. :) If any of you have the ability to share the music with friends via another download site, please help reduce the bandwidth from my site by saving on your site and passing the download link on to more of your friends.


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