Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mmmmm....empty bowls?!?!?

Each year 'round this time the Austin Area Food Bank hosts "The Empty Bowl Project" here in Austin. This year it will be held at the MACC - here's a map to the new location.

This is a super cool idea. Local potters have donated hundreds - maybe even thousands of hand made bowls. Each unique and different - just like all of us. Some of them may even be "special" - just like...well, you know.

Here's a short video that tells a bit more about the event. You'll notice that our very own Bill Evans is a major sponsor. Cool huh!

So for 15 bucks you buy this cool bowl, then get it filled with soup from one of Austin's fancy schmancy restaurants. All the proceeds benefit the Austin Area Food Bank - and that's a really big deal right now.

What a great way to have some fun and support a good cause.

Sounds fun, huh! Give some friends a call and get them to join you at the Empty Bowl Project THIS SUNDAY. I'll see you there!

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