Thursday, August 20, 2009

Getting Started in Social Networking

Yesterday the ABoR Education & Professional Development committee met for our regular monthly meeting. Our lunch was sponsored by my favorite store ever - Costco! Thank you Michaela for sponsoring lunch!

We try to make sure that the meetings are productive, that the participants are the first to know about upcoming events (they got to see the 4th Quarter education offerings before anyone else), and that we provide a short 10-20 minute "Education Express" presentation. Topics for the presentation have included the city's new Energy Efficiency Ordinance, Short Sales, Foreclosures and several other interesting topics. This month we talked about Social Media.

The presenter: Yours Truly!

Sometimes this whole "technology thing" can be really overwhelming. So the Education Express talk presented a way to get started in just 5 easy steps. I've recorded the slide show and posted it to YouTube as well.

If you'd like to know more, please check out the education schedule on and sign up for the Technology Series in October. Hope to see you there!

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