Sunday, August 2, 2009

The first of the month???

It's really hard to believe it's August 2nd already! Time flies when you are having fun.

Some of you know that I've had some major changes in the past month...all of them good. I'm not 100% ready to make official announcements - but they're coming soon.

As I was spending some time on the internet tonight doing a little research for some projects, I decided I needed to know more about how flikr works. While it doesn't do what I was hoping it would, and there does not seem to be any reason for me to stray from Google's Picassa, I did find this very cool photo in a random album.

I've always been fascinated with old and abandoned buildings. There are so many beautiful buildings that are suffering from neglect - amazing examples of classic architecture across our country. This shot is from a spectacular building in downtown Detroit. If you're into that kind of thing, go to, create a free account, then search for "abandoned detroit" and see what you find. Amazing!

We have had a friend in town since last Thursday. Good to spend time with fun people and just relax for a while. Have a few big weeks coming up, so the low-key weekend was perfect.

Hope you enjoy your week!

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