Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Do you remember these cool things?

So tonight I ran across this article as I was checking out the interwebs. I was first excited about the mention of pepsi clear - but THEN I ran across the mention of Jello 1-2-3! I remember having that so often in college and grad school it isn't even funny! Now Jello has a 1-2-3 recipe on their website so that we can get something close. Just a few months ago I was trying to share my love for Jello 1-2-3 with some friends and they all looked at my like I was crazy....and you know sometimes I am...but I swore this was for real and now I have proof!

Anyway, check out the story on cool things that came to an end before there time. Well, maybe not all of them...but it's really sad that some of these things are gone. Who knows, maybe we'll have some companies want to reintroduce some fun stuff from days gone by.

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