Thursday, January 7, 2010

Interesting cell phone comparison

You probably already know I've always been a bit of a tech geek. I like to have the newest electronic gadget - but lately I've become a little more frugal.

One of the things that is always perplexing is whether or not it's a good idea to change cell phones ( and often, this includes changing carriers as well). The last phone that I had that I REALLY liked was an LG flip phone that I got at Fry's electronics back in 2002. It was a plain old phone, and didn't even have a color screen let alone camera or web browser.

The biggest thing I liked about it? IT WORKED. Every time. No software conflicts, no lag time between pushing send and the call taking place, etc. It has been a long time since I've had a similar experience.... Since that time I've had the very first Treo smart phone, a treo 600, 650, 700, LG slider, motorola razr, blackberry pearl, treo centro and appli iphone 3g. That's a lot of phones. Apparently I'm a tough guy to please when it comes to cell phones...which is odd, since my basic requirements are that it make phone calls, the software works quickly and correctly, and the carrier isn't evil (the carrier issue is a whole different story!).

Anyway, lately I've had my eyes on the new devices powered by the Google Android operating system. You may have your own opinions of opinion is that google is generally good, generally cutting edge, and generally exciting. That makes me want a phone that uses their OS.

As I've been considering changes, I've been thinking it is getting more and more difficult to compare costs between carriers. That's where this exciting new chart comes in. Check it out here.

If you have some thoughts on your favorite phone or carrier - please shoot me a note or comment here and let me know!

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