Sunday, November 29, 2009

We love our pets

You might already know that my mom was in town for our annual Client Appreciation Party on November 10. It was also her birthday, and Rick surprised me by flying her down. She was here for 10 days, and we spent a lot of time running around to various shops and eateries - things she can't experience in my hometown of Boone, Iowa.

As we were going from place to place, she commented many times about how so many people have dogs - big dogs - and they take them everyplace. I told her one of the things that makes Austin Austin is that people enjoy their pets.

Well, yesterday I was cleaning out my stack of magazines - you know, the ones you subscribe to because you just know you'll read them, but then you end up with a whole stack that you haven't read, then you feel bad for wasting money/paper/etc? One of those for me is Austin Monthly. Don't get me wrong - I always like the content - I just don't always get it read.

One of the issues that I have kept around was the Pet Lovers Bible edition. It is several months old, and I just got around to reading it. The information and resources included in the article are great - and I figured I'd post it here for those of you who are interested.

Now I'm not sure if Austin Monthly is going to be so happy about this - so it could disappear without notice (read: download it NOW or it may be gone!). I'm hoping that providing the above links to their website along with subscription information will help.

So, enjoy the article. Consider subscribing to the magazine. And for heaven's sake - clean up after your pet! ;)

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