Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday times....

Can you believe this week is Thanksgiving??? Wow! We're nearly to Christmas then to 2010 - amazing how time flies.

This year has been a fascinating one - lots of changes - all for the better.

One of the things I really enjoy about this time of year is making fun stuff for friends and family. This year I have been an embroidering fool. Bookmarks, polos, table covers - mostly for our new company Cardani Group, REALTORS®. We use these items as gifts and thank yous.

Recently I posted a status update on Facebook saying I was going to make some applique sweatshirts for my mom for Christmas. I got a few emails saying "ya right" here's the proof!

This photo is the front of the first shirt:

This is the back - centered just below the collar:

I'll post some photos of the second shirt soon....trying something "fancy" on the back. Keep yer fingers crossed for me!

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