Sunday, May 24, 2009

Why a coach?

Lots of people hear me say something like "I was talking to my coach, and..." or "my coach suggested that I"...and they usually respond with "What's this about a coach" or something similar.

My coach, Scott Gordon, is awesome. He keeps me on track, helps me identify goals and challenges, and plans to meet goals or overcome challenges. He lets me vent, and he kicks my @$$ when I need it. Seriously...he's usually a nice guy but knows how to get things done! ;)

As I have been working on a few finishing touches for the Technology 101, 102 and 103 courses I'll be teaching at the Austin Board of REALTORS® in the 3rd quarter, I ran across this "how coaching works" video - and it is really quite good. Isn't it amazing the resources you can find on youtube?

On a side note - who would have thought we'd have all this information at our fingertips!

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