Thursday, July 31, 2008

An interesting take on things....

Times are certainly changing. Yesterday I was working on my newsletter and added some information on the local market statistics. It's ugly. Higher number of listings, more days on market, prices beginning to fall. We have 6+ months supply in nearly every category - and over a years supply in homes over 350,000. Ouch.

So last night I headed to Pok-e-Joes to pick up bbq for dinner. I was originally headed to Rudy's but at the last minute changed my mind - so I ended up taking the back road up past Toys R Us, Second Looks, and an assortment of other stores and resturaunts. You know what I noticed? There wasn't hardly anybody out shopping or eating. I'm talking almost like a ghost town. 10 people in Pok-e-Joes and 5 of them employees. Maybe a dozen cars in the parking lot.

Is it just me, or are times changing?

On the way home I heard a great song that I really liked - All Summer Long by Kid Rock.

When I got home I hopped on iTunes to download it - only couldn't find it? When I did a google search I learned that Kid Rock doesn't do iTunes, or any other pay service. You can download his music for free and he encourages it. With a little more reserach, I found this interesting Kid Rock PSA - Steal Everything. Certainly gives us something to think about....

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