Sunday, November 1, 2009

Voting Day is coming up....

...and there are a few propositions that are of particular importance to property owners in Texas.

You already know I'm not a big politics guy. Especially given the state of "politics" in our country at this time. HOWEVER, it IS important for you to voice your opinion on changes that impact you - especially when you are well informed and have made your opinions based on actual facts vs. scare tactics (but we won't go there today!).

Check out this article for information on the propositions important to Texas property owners. And, if you feel compelled, consider donating to the Texas REALTORS Political Action Committee. Find out more here.

TREPAC is important to at least be aware of. For many years I had no intention or desire of knowing what TREPAC was all about. I thought they were some messed up organization that promoted people I probably didn't want to be part of promoting. What I have discovered is that TREPAC supports candidates and policy that protects the rights of individual property owners in the State of Texas. If you own property, or want to own property - you need to be paying attention to the organization.

And most importantly - GO VOTE!

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