Monday, October 4, 2010

Action or reaction

You've seen me post some messages from my friend George Kahn on this blog - and today I can't help but share the one he sent out this morning. George has a way of knowing just what I need to hear on a pretty consistent basis...

In Newton's Third Law, action and reaction are interchangeable; the distinction between action and reaction is purely arbitrary.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

But in life, there is a definite difference between my actions and my reactions.
Today I choose action.
I could easily spend the day
reacting to what is given me
holding grudges,
getting mad at something that someone has done to me.

I would rather take the first step,
be pro-active
moving forward
There is an excitement in taking the first step
a sense that
I have the ability to make a difference
in my own life
as well as for others.

Contact my for George's email address and get yourself added to the Passion Party mail list!

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