Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Celebrating life

Today I had a random thought about my friend Ginger from grad school. Ginger was diagnosed with ALS several years ago and has been documenting tidbits about her journey in a blog. The blog helps us know what's going on in her life. Occasionally we chat on yahoo messenger - the same way we used to chat online when we were in grad school. Ginger just turned 36.

Some things never change - even when there are all kinds of forces in the works. Ginger always smiles, and always has a way to make those near and far smile and laugh. We had so many fun times back then - she truly is one of those people who can always bring a smile to your face - even when she's ticked off and wants to smack you.

Today I thought about her. It was random. I the heck is Ginger - it's been a while since we've chatted.

Today Ginger stepped into the next phase of her journey.

I wonder where that random thought came from. Why did I think about her today out of the blue. Was it her saying see you later (she refused to say goodbye)?

As I sit here with tears, I know Ginger would prefer that I smile, and do something nice for someone else, and celebrate her life and all that is good. So I will do that.

So Ginger, I promise I will get past the tears. I will celebrate your life and live mine in a way you'd be proud of.

THANK YOU for all that you are, and all that you have brought to those of us fortunate enough to know you.

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