Thursday, August 28, 2008

Changes in the air...change IS in the air....

It's funny.....when you have a lot of things rolling through your own brain, you are slow to pick up on the changes around you. In the past several weeks I've had some fairly weighty issues rolling around my head.....and as I'm trying to sort through them I've missed a few things...

This morning as I'm checking emails and planning the day, Grady is curled up beside me looking as cute as ever. I looked outside and realized that not only is it getting a bit darker a bit earlier, but it's getting just a little more late in the morning before the sun really kicks in.

Go with me on the train of thought here.....darker earlier.....lighter later....fall coming......COOLER TEMPS!?!?!? Keep your fingers crossed!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why you shouldn't buy a ford...

Aside from the American car companies being slow to respond to the changing automobile market and failing to produce fuel efficient cars, or even interesting and exciting cars, here's the best reason NOT to buy a Ford.

Have you heard one of their commercials lately? Great deals huh. Here's the problem. The volume on the commercials is so incredibly high and out of control obnoxious that even my 90% deaf dad can hear them.

Seriously Ford - what the @)(#$*&$?????? Do you really think the best way to sell a car is to have your commercials twice as loud as all the rest so they literally scare people in their own living rooms?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's just hot.....

I'm a heat weenie. Yes I admit it. It's not really that big of a deal, except for high electric bills.

Then there's the week of 100+ degree heat. I mean come on - enough is enough.

All week I've been thinking I'm just a big weenie - until tonight we were watching the news and apparently three people have died in Texas along - with several more across the midwest. How crazy is that?