Monday, January 7, 2008

Real Estate Funnies

Every profession has humorous moments. Real Estate is no exception. While not all are cause for a belly laugh, all are at least good for a smile. Here are some examples.

A week aft er a for-sale sign went up in front of one house, another appeared two doors down. The neighbor in the middle said he was thinking of putting a sign up, too. It would read "Was it something we said?"

The guy who decided to sell his own house obviously wasn't a proofreader. Or maybe the sign he put up in his front yard wasn't a mistake after all. It read "for sale by ower."

Sign on REALTORS® marquee "We have LOTS to be thankful for."

Real estate agents have to be prepared for anything. Sometimes they fall victim to Mother Nature. Sometimes they are victims of their own oversights.

While showing a buyer a home, the real estate agent was certain of a sale. The buyer loved the house. When they went outside to look at the yard, howeverthe wind whipped the door shut, locking them out. The agetn's keys were inside, and it began to pour rain. The agent jiggled the doorknobs and checked for open windows.

Finally, they found an open window; the agent crawled in, and retrieved the keys. Driving back to the office, the agent asked how the prospect liked the house.

"I liked it but would never buy it," she said. "It's too easy to break into."

Then there was the new agent who was showing homes to the minister and his wife. After several hours, only two houses remained, and nothing had tickled the couple's fancy. The agent knocked on the door. No one answered. She used the lock-box key to enter the house.

Suddenly a young man came hurrying out of the bedroom, pulling up his pants. He asked why there were three strangers standing in his hallway. It seems he and his new bride had just returned from their honeymoon, and they knew nothing of the scheduled showing. The befuddled agent husteled the reverend and his wife back to the car.

That's when the agent realized she had listed both the newlywed's home and the home next door, the one they were supposed to visit. Both homes had identical for-sale signs. Luckily for the agent, the minister and his wife had a good sense of humor!

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