Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tax Appraisal Hearings

Today we had our formal Tax Appraisal hearing. When we received the notice of our tax assessment, it seemed a little high, and a short review of the comps proved that feeling to be true.

There are a few things I learned through the process that are important to share with all of you living in the Austin area, so I figured what better way to let y'all know than to put it here. Ok maybe I want to brag a little too! ;)

The first step in the process is to send a letter to TCAD to let them know you intend to appeal the assessment. You will then get a letter in the mail informing you of the date and time of both your informal and formal hearings.

It's a great idea to go to the informal hearing. The first question we were asked in the formal hearing was if we went to the informal. Unfortunately we were unable to attend the informal at the time originally specified by TCAD. Thankfully, if you are unavailable, you can still go in through the "walk in" process. We chose to get there first thing on a Monday morning. To prepare for the informal, I printed out our tax record, along with 5 sales that helped support our case that our property was assessed higher than it should be. The guy that did the informal review was a nice fellow, but unable to assist us in any meaningful way. The cool thing was that he just up front about telling us that.

The most important thing that I learned during the informal process is that the time frame for the sold comp data that is allowed is ALL of 2008, and January and February of 2009. In the class I took three weeks ago we were told the time frame was three months before and three months after January 1, 2008. Big difference!

So back to the drawing board...I went back in to the MLS and pulled new comps using the date range that the informal hearing guy shared with us. Thankfully there were plenty within a block or two that supported our case (even better than the original ones I had pulled using the wrong time frame).

We arrived for our formal hearing (one week after the informal) and waited to be called in. We watched three individuals all leave from different rooms with looks of anger on their face. One of them even mumbled "what a bunch of idiots" as he came out of one of the rooms. I was worried when that was the room we were called in to!

So we went in, were introduced to the three person Appraisal Review Board and the single TCAD employee, and were then sworn in. I shared the five new comps that I brought in to support our case, and gave a brief explanation of them. Luckily I had been involved in two of the five sales, so I had a little credibility as an "expert" in the area.

Then the TCAD employee went through the various ways TCAD used to support the value that we had already been assigned. After that, he took my five comps and used three of them as comparable information. Why three? Because he threw two of them out as "bad comps"....more on that later.

When he put the new comp information in, our case was supported. The arbitration board motioned that the new assessment be XYZ, seconded, and approved the motion. We won!

Here's what I learned that surprised me a little (in addition the the new time frame for comps)
1- the TCAD appraiser said that any sale that had been on the market less than ONE YEAR was a "short sale" and should not be counted (yes, his definition of short sale is different than a banks definition of short sale..and different than most peoples idea of short sale as well)
2- the TCAD appraiser said that any foreclosure listing could not be counted. Although I had MLS documentation in front of me that said all of my comps were non foreclosure listings, he seemed to think otherwise on one of them and would not change his opinion
3- the comps must be not just in the neighborhood, but within 1-2 blocks of your home to be "accurate" comps. That is slightly different than the area an actual appraiser
will use.

We had some interesting conversation, and I was really wanting to tell him what a nut he was, but was quite confident that wouldn't help our cause. He asked me how long I had been in the business, and when I responded "5 years and one of my major clients is Fannie Mae" he chuckled and said he had been doing this for 20 years. Neat.

Then he went on to say the average time a property on the market in our area was 1 year. Had I known that was his position I would have brought statistical documentation for the past 10 years to prove that he is simply wrong. Unfortunately we didn't have a heads up on that opinion....and I'm not sure he would have paid any attention to the stats since he's been doing this for 20 years and clearly knew everything.

Anyway, thankfully the Appraisal Review Board participants had brains and had them engaged. I was very happy with the outcome, and even happier when one of them said "great job proving you case, guys"....I wanted so bad to wink at the TCAD guy...but again...what's the point.

So... when you're ready to fight your tax appraisal, be sure the comps come from 2008 plus Jan and Feb of 09, be sure none of them are foreclosures, and be sure they are within 1-2 blocks of your property. You may find it useful to bring Days on Market data for your area as well, just in case you need to prove that ONE YEAR on the market is not average in Central Texas. Need help pulling the info? Just give me a call and I'll be happy to help.


You've probably heard me talk about my baby Grady. He's actually 7 now, but will always be my little guy. Today I was testing out my new wide angle digital camera and thought he would be a good subject.

The first picture is of him "on alert". Whenever his brother Milhouse hears something at the front door, Grady does the smart thing and watches before he gets too worked up and leaves his comfortable spot on the couch. In the second he has caught on to my game and wondering what my issue is...

Lots of things to work on today in order to be ready to take off for the 4th of July festivities. We are headed to Markesan, Wisconsin to spend the holiday with Rick's sister and brother in law, along with his mom, his brother and sister in law and their two kids, and my parents. Should be a good time. Regardless, it has to bee cooler in WI than it has been here, right??

We have some friends staying at our house to take care of the dogs and chillax. Hopefully they will enjoy their time here as much as we enjoy our time in WI.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

July newsletter is here!

Friends, the July edition of my monthly newsletter is now available for download. Look for some changes next month...a few different features and some minor changes to the layout.

As always, when you are talking with someone that can use my help when buying or selling a home in Austin and the surrounding areas, please put us in touch with one another.

And remember - we can provide top-notch referrals for your friends and family anywhere in the US and Canada. We can also help you or your friends and family lease property (even apartments) in the Austin area.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Texas Affordable Housing Specialist

Today I spent the day at the Austin Board of REALTORS® in the Texas Affordable Housing Specialist course. Good info on various loan and grant programs, the current status of the tax credit, credit scoring, etc. We also looked at special programs for Texas Veterans and first time buyers.

I'm looking forward to more good learning tomorrow and will keep you posted here.

Who do you know that can benefit from this new knowledge?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's been a while...

Ok so I've been slacking and not posting much to the blog lately. I promise I'll change that!

Today has been a fairly productive day. Spent much of the morning printing newsletters (production is up to nearly 2,000 a month now) and running errands. Credit Union for a deposit, Newflower Market for some Newmans Own food for Grady, the post office to get some mail bins, then Ace Mart to get a cream whipper and chargers.

Tonight our buddy Matt came over and we had some great steak/sausage/vegetable kabobs on the grill. Then we were off to Baskin Robbins - buy a cone get a cone free. Good stuff!

Tomorrow is Fathers Day - so I'm going to give dad a call and then finish up newsletters...they'll need to be folded, tabbed and then run through the postage meter dated for mailing on the last day of the month.

Hope y'all are having a great weekend!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Free Money!

That's right - I said it. There is Free Money available from the Federal Government in the form of a tax credit for first time buyers. This is serious business folks - with the recent market corrections, now is a great time to purchase a home at a good price, and finance with a great interest rate. In addition to the "typical" benefits of owning versus renting, you may now qualify for a significant tax credit. That's more money in your pocket - and all you have to do is take advantage of one of the best buying markets in recent history.

Check out this MSNBC article for more information, then call me so we can talk about what this means to you.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Austin - one of Kiplinger's top 10 best cities

You know how it goes - when you're in a good place or doing a good thing, you know where you are and what you're doing. You know it's good. You like things. You feel happy or excited or fulfilled.

Something else happens when other people recognize you for what you're doing.

Check out this Kiplinger report on the 2009 Top 10 Best Cities - good stuff!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Why I love being a real estate consultant

Today I spent the day with 400 other By Referral Only consultants at the Main Event in San Francisco, California.

This is my third Main Event - and it's 100% new material than anything before. And it's awesome.

We started at 8 a.m. with this simple assignment.... Write down 100 things you love about your work. At first the task seemed a little overwhelming....until I "got in my place" where I could really feel gratitude and joy for the life I have and the work I do.

You'll see some interesting information here as I post some updates related to what I'm up to as I remodel my business and my life. There's always that little voice that says "don't tell anyone what you're up to"....and there's that teacher, that coach, that leader voice that says "tell the world what you're up to - people want to know, people deserve to know"....

So here we go... 100 reasons I love what I do...

being fully committed
being happy
being introduced to friends, family and loved ones
being prepared
being recognized as a leader at our local and state association
being recognized as a leader in the community
being recognized as a leader in the profession
being referred
being respected
being sought after
being the expert
building strong futures
By Referral Only
choosing who I work with
contact with people
continuing my education
creating my own reality
creating value
daily challenges
emerging technologies
entrepreneurial spirit
flexible schedule
fun clients
housewarming parties
interesting days
making dreams come true
making my own market
my 800 number
my coach
my office
my referral tree
new friends
new relationships
new toys
own office
problem solving
saving clients $$
saving my own $$
seeing happy tears
self employment
self empowerment
self improvement
serving as a resource
sharing information
sharing knowledge
story telling
taking risks
thank you's
the annual client party
The Main Event
the telephone
thinking outside of the box
work clothes (or no clothes?)
working at home
working from anywhere
working on the go