Monday, September 22, 2008

Your old yearbook....

Sometimes the only thing you can do is have a little fun. Check out yearboook yourself and see what you can do. Maybe you can use the photos for a family holiday card?


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another political thread....well, kinda

This is as close to political commentary that I'll get on my blog.

On the way in to the office this morning a local radio host was talking about the baby name generator. I had no idea what that was. Fired up my computer and there was an email with a link to the generator.

Check out the site to see what your baby name would be... ;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Surviving ACL

The largest outdoor music event in the world happens right here in Austin in just a few weeks. Recently Austin Monthly published a great ACL Survival Guide. If you've been to the event before you may have figured much of this out already - if not, give it a glance to help make your experience the best it can be.

Click here to download the guide. I'll keep this up until Austin Monthly makes me take it down. If you want a hard copy and can not print from the downloaded PDF, send me an email and I'll have a copy waiting for you at my office.

Let's hope these cooler temps are here during the event!

At least people still have a sense of humor....

This is great....sad news...but great video. Watch just past the 40 second mark...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The best way to spend a Sunday afternoon

Sometimes in life the things that make you happiest are really pretty simple....

This is, hands down, the best way to spend a Sunday (or any other) afternoon!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Good news for Austin Real Estate...

Many of you have asked about the rumored "due on sale" green upgrades that our mayor has proposed.

The idea behind his proposal is admirable. The implementation is critical. Austin Board of REALTORS® has a group working to help make sure that the final outcome is positive both for the environment AND for folks buying and selling homes here in town.

The text below is from a recent mailing and I wanted to share it with you....

Central Texas REALTORS® enjoyed an important first round success on the City of Austin Point of Sale issue.

Wednesday, September 10th marked the final meeting of the City of Austin’s Energy Efficiency & Retrofit Task Force. The 28-member body overwhelmingly opposed mandatory retrofits for existing homes and was unanimously in favor of a program that closely resembles a proposal made by the Austin Board of REALTORS® in May. It includes required energy audits, disclosure of audit findings and general education. It excludes any mandatory upgrades or retrofits.

This is a marked digression from programs the task force was crafting before the REALTOR® alternative was offered, which a recent economic impact study by AgResearch showed would have cost Austin’s economy $80 million. We applaud the work of the members of the task force and look forward to working with the City of Austin to create a successful voluntary program. The report will see several boards and commissions for review before going to City Council for a final vote later this Fall. Stay tuned for more about how you can tell the Austin City Council that you, like the majority of the task force and 70% of the Austin community, believe in education and incentives to achieve our energy savings goals.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Do you ever wonder....

Why people do some of the things they do?

Now I'm not going to get into politics and wonder WHERE these people come from or WHAT ON EARTH they're thinking... :)

So one thing I've noticed a lot lately has to do with agents sending faxes. Now, in real estate, there's a lot of paperwork. Multiple page contracts back and forth with signatures and initials and changes and all that. It used to be that I always wondered why, by the time we got the stinkin contracts completed, they were about 1/4 the size they started.

In a recent class I learned that if you have someone tell you that the fax you just sent them is small, you can fix it by selecting the "fine" or "better" setting on the fax machine. This normally only needs to be done on home machines or those that are not designed for very high use. More robust machines automatically send the fax full size even at their lowest resolution.

So I'm over that....I understand WHY, and can help people fix the problem on their end, assuming they're willing to take my feedback in the way in which it is intended...which doesn't always happen. ;)

My new question is...WHY do people send faxes upside down? Now this is just a step above sending it with the wrong side up. As in, faxing 20 pages of the BACK of what you intended to send. I'm talking about taking the stack of paper, and putting it in the machine upside down. So that when we receive the fax electronically, each and every page comes up on our computer guessed it...upside down. ??? WHY?

Here's my solution. Let's ALL switch to an electronic signature system - no more faxing back and forth, loosing resolution each time. Let's jump on the green wave and eliminate the paper waste and go completely electronic. It's legal. It's inexpensive. It's easy to archive. And you just can't sent the stuff upside down.

Are ya with me???

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

One of my favorite things about fall....

Besides the cooler temps.....


Click here - kcups please!


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Learning lessons....

Have you ever noticed that after we leave "school"....we REALLY start to learn stuff?

It also seems like those lessons are often painful or costly. Or both.

What's that about?

Now, thankfully I'm not thinking about this because I've recently learned something. Actually my recent learning has been fairly cheap and painless! I like that. I'm thinking about a client. This person decided to work with someone that was recommended to them by a friend/relative/etc. Things seemed to be ok....until just yesterday. We learned that there was a financial issue that really can't be corrected at this point. It really sucks. It's not a HUGE deal...but it's the principle of the thing.

I'm doing my best to try and fix this issue that has been given to us. It looks like we're getting close to making it right - but I'm not sure we're going to get there 100%.

All you can do is your best....right??

Friday, September 5, 2008


Friends over for dinner tonight...Matt and Claire. We had a nice spaghetti dinner and a "Claire Salad"....we've never quite figured out what Claire does when she makes salads, but they're always so amazingly good I can't even describe it.

ANYWAY. After dinner we ended up watching the Stand Up To Cancer special. I cried the whole time it was on. Apparently I still have some pent up _something_ from my own two bouts with cancer. Although I beat it, there's always that question in my head - if I have a sore throat, or a headache, or my arm hurts, or whatever....there's that little voice inside the wonders if I have cancer again.

Now it's not like every day I'm leaving in fear. Every day I DO make conscious decisions about what I eat/breath/put on my skin/ etc in terms of what it could potential mean to my future health. Do other people do that too???

It's amazing how many people are touched by the big C. I don't talk politics much so I won't even go into how much money we aren't spending on cancer research because it's diverted other places.

Think about donating. Even a few bucks can make a difference. Do it for the people you love, and the people that love you. Let's end this!