Friday, October 31, 2008

Good times....

You know when you're just "there"....and you realize you're in the right place and things are good? That's pretty cool, huh.

So today I was getting ready to head in to my new office. Everyone there is cool, fun, welcoming, etc. It's really quite a nice change.

Just before I hopped in the shower I decided to do one quick email check...and there was an email from one of the brokers. The email asked who would be available TODAY for a fun office Halloween lunch.... on them.

So most of the gang met at Julio's in Hyde Park for a nice afternoon lunch...some great mexican food, a little sangria, and great friendship. Good stuff!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


If you and I have ever talked about coffee, I've mentioned the magic of the Keurig brewer.

Today I ran across something that makes it even MORE magic....a way to reuse the kcups many times without the hassle of the "mykcup" system.

Reuse your Keurig K-Cups!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A funny....

Rick's aunt sent this....kinda made me chuckle...

The sense of freshness...

A new supermarket opened in Topeka, Ks. It has an automatic water mister to keep the produce fresh. Just before it goes on, you hear the sound of distant thunder and the smell of fresh rain.

When you pass the milk cases, you hear cows mooing and you experience the scent of fresh cut hay.

In the meat department there is the aroma of charcoal grilled steaks with onions.

When you approach the egg case, you hear hens cluck and cackle, And the air is filled with the pleasing aroma of bacon and eggs frying.

The bread department features the tantalizing smell of fresh baked bread & cookies.

I don't buy toilet paper there anymore....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New beginnings

Last Friday evening I had the priveledge of joining my client Julie at her new home in South Austin for a traditional Native American smudging.

While I had never participated in one before, I had an idea what it was about. Little did I know how special, even powerful, such an event was.

Julie was surrounded by friends and loved ones as she opened the door to this new life endeavor. The smudging involved incense and positive energy - shared by all on Julie's behalf. We "opened" the house for Julie's new beginning there.... Toward the end, Julie recited this affirmation:

I have set into motion a creative process
I called to me a building, a house
I found it easily
I found it at a fair price
My ideal house is made ready for me
This creative process now is up to me
To turn this house into a sacred space
The home of my dreams
I am prepared to make many happy memories in this space
I am ready to enjoy many good times in this home
I make this home a haven of comfort, serenity,
security and joy for many years to come
As I will it, so it is, and so shall be!
When I departed, Julie had the biggest smile on her face...surrounded by people who only wish her all the best and will do anything to help her achieve her dreams....

What a beautiful moment!